Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 1: Desire for Reconciliation

Text: Genesis 3:1-10

We are living in a messed up world. We are messed up. Our rebellion against God has separated us from Him. And deep within us, we have felt the wound of our separation. And no matter how we try to cover it up, or pretend as if there is nothing wrong, we feel the throbbing of the loss we bear. Deep inside us is a wound. It is a wound that never heals, never goes away. There will be no ointment or oils that can completely mend it. It is a wound that is always with us. It haunts us like itching phantom limbs that has been amputated. For this is what has caused the wound – an amputation. We have been reduced to something far less than we were. Our sins have separated us - has torn us away from Him who desires to be in fellowship with us. We are suffering a cataclysmic separation - a violent tearing that has left us keeling with the loss.

But it was we that had been cut off. And this wound we carry reminds us we are far from where we have come from. Our wound remembers we were whole once, and so we are left with this longing for completeness, this desire to be made whole, but try as we might, we cannot find fulfillment here. We will not find healing for this wound, until that day when we shall be made whole once more. Until then, we wait, and hope.

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